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Press and branding

If you need to speak to someone about our work, you’re a journalist with a query, or a partner wanting advice on our logos, you can find it here.

Press centre

A lot of information about us is already available on this website. But if you’re a journalist and would like some more information, please email [email protected] or use the contact details below.

Media team contacts:  

07786 524080
07747 780564 

The Sport England press office operates a weekend on-call system. Should you call any of the numbers listed above, you will be redirected to the relevant member of the team for that weekend.

Our spokespeople

You can also request a comment or interview with one of our experts who are available to speak on a range of sport, physical activity and health subjects.

See our spokespeople

Press releases

Look though our archive of key press releases since 2015.


See our press releases

Logo and brand toolkit

Logo and brand toolkit

Tips on what to do when you receive National Lottery funding from us – including how to use our logo and branding, and how to generate media coverage, as well as advice for national governing bodies and a toolkit with brand guidelines, template press releases and our logos.


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