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Update on the joint review of racial inequality in sport

The two main aspects of the review have now been completed and a report will be published next month.

14th April 2021

The Tackling Race and Racial Inequality in Sport (TRARIIS) review has now completed the two major pieces of work constituting its review and expects to publish the findings next month.

In September 2020 we, UK Sport, sportscotland, Sport Wales and Sport Northern Ireland came together to set out to tackle racism and racial inequality in sport with the collective ambition to have a sporting system which is truly inclusive and properly reflective of UK society.

As part of the first phase of this initiative, the sports councils commissioned two pieces of work – a data gathering and analysis project led by the Sport Industry Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University and a lived experiences project led by AKD Solutions.

Both pieces of work have now concluded and the five sports councils are currently in the final phase of the project, using the findings raised and presented to establish a full report and set of recommendations in line with the collective ambition.

These are expected to be published by the end of May.

A junior rugby coach watches on as two players run towards him

While the data gathering and analysis project was looking at existing data on race and ethnicity in sport to identify gaps and make recommendations, the lived experiences portion of the review sought new evidence.

In December the #TellYourStory campaign was launched so that around 600 Black, Asian and minority ethnic people were given the opportunity to tell their story of racial inequality in sport.

The campaign collected stories via a combination of virtual forums and written, audio or video submissions to its website.

A further update will be published when the full report and recommendations are completed, expected to be by the end of May.

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